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Customer Testimonials

"Many thanks to the manufacturers of the finest 6oz 89mm Regular Wall Clear Styrene Jar in the Industry!!"

-Tom Douglas, Rub with Love


 "I am very impressed with the quality of your product.  I’ve used this particular jar and lid combination for probably over 10 years, it’s in my pocket everywhere I go.   You hear the phrase 'accept no substitutes' and that’s how I feel about your product.  Probably not what you had in mind when you designed it, but it’s worked well for me!"

- Alan McKown, End User


 "Parkway Jars are SOOOOO much better than anyone else we’ve ever purchased from. For example: I just got a box of what was supposed to be 'exactly the same as Parkway jars' from a vendor and what I got was something so cheesy and cheap looking, single walled PP, not the right size and if I want to send them back it will cost me $95.00. Ridiculous. You guys Rock!!"

- Jill Jones, Bidwell Botanicals


"Parkway Plastics has proven to be a great partner for our company.  From our first small case orders to our current multi-pallet needs, Parkway has upheld its commitment to customer service.  Being able to work with the manufacturer directly has cut our costs substantially, enabling us to focus on growth.  Parkway has a large amount of stock on hand which significantly decreases our lead-time and the quality is exceptional.  Our experience with the team at Parkway Plastics has been fantastic and we look forward to many more years of doing business with them."

-Mike Robinson, Kanberra Group


“Your 70mm - 1oz Thick Wall jars are great for specialty creams/expensive creams - only holds one ounce but looks like more to the consumer- LOVE this jar and your customer service. Thank you!”

- Andree Terry, Andree's Essential Soaps, Inc.


“Just wanted to thank you for packing the jars you folks shipped us so carefully. We're really very impressed. Our last supplier basically just dumped them in a box and many arrived damaged, so it was great to see you folks put so much care into the packing. Thanks again!”

- William Carius, Barrister & Mann




I've been working with Parkway Plastics for just about a year now, and I can say I have no complaints! The team at Parkway is very responsive. They get me anything I need very quickly and efficiently. Happy to be doing business with them and I can see a long lasting partnership and relationship in our future. 

- Chris P 

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