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Answers for POP QUIZ

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1. Why are Phthalates used in Plastic Manufacturing?

Answer: Phthalates are used in plastic to keep it flexible and durable.


2. Which Plastic is Represented by the Recycling Code number 5?

Answer: The number 5 recycling code indicates polypropylene.


3. When is Polypropylene OK to put in the Microwave?

Answer: Polypropylene can only be used in the microwave if it is BPA and phthalate-free.


4. How much Plastic is thrown away each year?

Answer: Enough plastic is thrown away every year to wrap the earth in it four times.


5. Besides being a Bulk Plastic Jar manufacturer, what other services does Parkway Plastics offer its customers?

Answer: Parkway can also help with product label design and packaging, printing, decoration and logistics.



Plastic Manufacturing and the packaging industry is usually not on top of people's mind, however, if you're one of those who depend on quality BPA-free plastic jars for their business, then you may know more than the average Joe.... How did you do? Share this Quiz and let your social networks know.

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