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Day 3 at EastPack / HBA - Trade Show - UBM East Conference

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Introductions that are worth it all. The reason why industry professionals attend trade shows is often times the networking it offers. With new leads and connections, the last day served us well. 

We all want to know what's going on in the beauty industry! If you weren't at the show to source packaging then you might have been there to check out "what's new"! At least that's what some were doing, including the ladies from Chanel who got their picture taken with Janki in Parkway's booth.

The Instagram-frame has been a complete hit! An ice-breaker for conversation and a magnet for leads! From PhD Students to beauty, nutriceuticals and pharma professionals.

"I needed Plastic Jars, I can't believe you found me!"

Packaging professionals whom at day 3 hadn't found what they needed from the show seemed stressed. You could see it in their faces, at least the last few hours of the show... We decided to strategically position ourselves in aisles where there was traffic. A good place to find leads and start talking to people was where UBM offered free coffee and popcorn to visitors. We brought some "jellybean jars" and started talking to people. One after another started expressing their need for plastic jars and followed us back to the booth.

Don't need Jars? Think Again! Looking to source a flexible bottle for aioli? Understand. Have you ever thought about offering samples to your customers in little plastic jars? Think outside the box.

Thanks to everyone involved in the show, to the whole Parkway team, thanks to Javits Center, to UBM and to Freeman for putting on a very good show this year!

Last but not least, thanks to all booth visitors who made the show successful!

We hope to see you again next year!

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