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Custom Plastic Jars That Are Environmentally Friendly


At Parkway Jars, we're not just your vendor for custom plastic jars, we're your team. We offer a completely personal approach to customer service, so personal in fact that you're likely to speak to the same people every time you call in to speak to us. We want to know you and your story, be familiar with your business, and help you all at the same time. Even though our operators have over 22 years of experience in qc'ing our custom plastic jars, we continue to participate in training so that we can stay ahead of the curve. We want our passion for quality to show through in the product that we deliver to you.

We're environmentally conscious and we are aware that we're a plastics manufacturer. However, just because we're a plastics manufacturer does not mean that we can't do everything in our power to minimize our carbon foot print. All of our custom plastic jars and lids are totally BPA and Phthalate free. We also practice reducing, recycling, and reusing and in 2011 we even made our first commitment to going paperless. Since 2011, we've been able to reduce our paper usage by 27% to save our planet's trees.

We're proud of the fact that through our hard work and passion, we're able to give our customers a product that they'll be proud of. Our custom plastic jars show your customers that you care about your product and that your truly believe your product is better than the rest. Call today to get started!

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