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Strategies to Stand out on a Crowded Shelf - Case Studies & Presentations from EastPack 2016

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The EastPack Trade Show 2016 had more to offer than just booths, samples, and leads. The conference was also filled with valuable information and experience that was shared among the many workshops, presentations, and collaborative roundtables.  New perspectives and fresh ideas on product development and packaging design were introduced at the interactive workshops and the other advertised activities. The information that was presented by the speakers was very valuable to the ones who did attend. The insight may have helped deepen the understanding of packaging development today and where "the future of packaging design" is going. 

"Designing with Shelf Space Strategy in Mind"Packaging Trends in Industry Categories, presented ideas on "what works in one food or beverage category may or may not work in another". Questions that were asked included "How does a brand or manufacturer differentiate itself in a sea of products when every package is competing for the same consumer"? This session explored data-driven tactics for package design within different food & beverage categories.

"Using Design to Reflect the Consumer" - Category Lifestyle, introduced ideas such as Identifying a consumer-need within your category and answering it through an innovative package design. The presentation included "Tips and tricks for integrating the package and the product" and asked the question: "does your package accurately market or reflect what’s inside?" The presentation included information on the roles of package structure and functionality. Ideas and knowledge from the Case Study: "Nurturing a package from ideation to launch" was also shared.

The Case Study "Personalized Packaging Design To Speak Directly To Your Consumer" covered interesting points such as: 

  1. Exploring options for customized packaging for individual end-users (i.e. digital printing, custom orders)
  2. How to decide when a product lends itself to implementing a personalized packaging design
  3. What a new “customized” package means for your production lines and inventory
  4. Case Study: [Company TBD] explained how it successfully launched a personalized packaging strategy and analyzes the impact on sales

Keynote Presentations 
Preparing your business for the future includes watching over technology innovation trends, at least that's what Astronaut Leroy Chiao believe in and spoke about at the EastPack event this June. Other seminars and presentations included "Iterative Development", Lead by Former CEO of Dyson as he was reflecting over his experience with an iterative development process and how it can transform you into the next market-leading consumer product maker. Another seminar was held by the well-known speaker "Kevin Mitnick - The World's most famous hacker". He laid out the art of Deception and demonstrated his latest hacking techniques. 
Read more about Kevin Mitnick here:

Tech Theater
Companies in the Tech Theater at the Eastpack Conference included 3M Life Science Sterilization, Sarong North America, Toxikon Corporation, Nelson Laboratories, Inc., State Government of Baja California/ Baja's medical Device Alliance, and more. See below for a full list of speakers and themes.

Complete schedule for the Event:


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