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Blog - box for container

Secondary Packaging: Dress up your jar!

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        Secondary Packaging 

If primary packaging is the main packaging of your formula or product, then secondary packaging is the protective packaging of that jar, container, holder, dispenser or tube. Secondary Packaging is often presented in forms of boxes and paper, but there are obviously other forms too.

Parkway is now offering secondary packaging servicesPlease go here to learn more about this "add on" service.

Secondary Packaging doesn’t need to be compatible with your actual product because it will never touch or come in contact with your formula.

By choosing to add or source secondary packaging, you choose to further protect your jar, cap, and primary packaging from damage. In addition to damage protection, a secondary packaging can also help brand your company such as a choice of promotional boxes, cartoons, or bags.

We know that it is important to keep your packaging cost effective. This might be why you haven’t sourced secondary packaging earlier.  But now, you might be looking for packaging variations. You may need a simple way to dress up your primary packaging, your jar - your cap - your product.

Parkway now offers a secondary packaging service that includes boxes, seen in the image above. These boxes come in a wide range of sizes, and are made to fit your Parkway Jar.  

The ADF & PCD Tradeshow this last month showcased a good amount of secondary packaging boxes
. Not only is scented packaging a big thing in secondary packaging, but so is boxes in many kinds of different shapes. There's a lot of creativity displayed in secondary packaging. An example of a fun and creative form of secondary packaging is this perfumed scented paper box in the  shape of New York City here below: 

Parkway's 70 mm polystyrene jar with a silver colored smooth cap, dressed up with New York City's Skyline.

Learn more about the ADF & PCD show in New York here. 

Another luxurious example of secondary packaging seen at the ADF & PCD Show

Learn more about the ADF & PCD show in New York here.

Parkway's Secondary Packaging Services:

Parkway is now offering secondary packaging services.
Please go here to learn more about this "add on" service.

     Secondary packaging is packaging that aims to Brand and Display you product. Sometimes primary packaging, just simply isn’t enough to reach your customers. 
Think of it in layers. Your product needs layers to attract your audience - to create that warm and fuzzy feeling we're all trying to communicate to our customer. Whether you’re looking for a presentation box for the health, beauty or cosmetics industry, Parkway Plastics can help guide you towards your many secondary packaging options

We offer the following boxes through our service:

Pick between different styles and shapes, shades of color and material. 

Get started with your Boxes, and Secondary Packaging here today! 

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