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Blog - Tradeshow Marketing

Podcast: Is Trade Show Marketing Worth the Expense for Manufacturers? || The Industrial and Manufacturing Podcast

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In a recent interview with Paul Kiesche of Aviate Creative, Tegan James, marketing and social media manager at Parkway Plastics Inc, shared Parkway's experience with trade-show marketing for manufacturers.

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In the meantime, have a listen to this Industrial and Manufacturing Podcast episode where co-host Todd Hockenberry explores with Paul the ROI of trade shows for manufacturing companies: Is Trade Show Marketing Worth the Expense for Manufacturers?

In this episode, Paul shares tips and insight that he gathered by speaking with over 15 manufacturing companies, including Parkway Plastics.

Todd and Paul talked about: 

  • Why trade shows aren’t about headcount 
  • How to gain maximum ROI from your trade show marketing 
  • Why you should attend trade shows your clients are attending, not necessarily trade shows for your industry
  • Trade shows are about relationship, not sale

Checkout these resources:

Todd’s LinkedIn  Paul’s LinkedIn

This #Growth episode is hosted by Todd Hockenberry, Consultant, Advisor, & Coach for industrial manufacturing companies at Top Line Results.

You can find this interview, and many more, by subscribing to the Industrial + Manufacturing podcast on Apple Podcasts, or on Spotify.

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