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Day 1 at EastPack / HBA - Trade Show - UBM East Conference

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Yesterday's start of the 3-day Trade Show at the Javits Center in New York City was a fantastic success. There is something special about meeting happy customers in person... It's rewarding! Especially when they love using our products! Meeting customers at the Javits Center on the first day was definitely a highlight of the day!  The show at the Javits Center this year is gathering business professionals, engineers, packaging developers and industry leaders from all over the country. Parkway is back exhibiting after taking a break from the show for a few years! 


HBA, EASTPACK, Design & Manufacturing, Plastec and more shows have now merged into one event. It's obvious that a lot of people in the medical industry now attend the event as the majority of the shows now lean towards being medical oriented and the event itself is geared towards pharma. 

The Health and Beauty section (right on the border of EastPack)  is a small section in contrast to the pharma section, but that's not necessarily a bad thing for Parkway. Business professionals who attend the show with the purpose to source plastic jars, find Parkway Plastics in the Health & Beauty Section at Booth 3251.

Many people have been getting their picture taken with Parkway's Instagram frame! Professionals from all different  stopped by yesterday & many were excited to see Parkway's large stock inventory of plastic jars! 

Linda Thell and Sam Wilson from Brand Packaging Magazine 

Booth Display

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