We'd like to introduce the newest intern in Parkway Plastic’s Engineering Department, Chris Golm! At Parkway, he will be working in and with our tool room and engineering departments creating models for jar molds using SolidWorks, a computer aided design (CAD) and computer aided engineering (CAE) program used for creating 3D CAD images of our molds and [...]
Caps and Cap Liners: What's Really Going On Underneath with Foam Liners, Heat Seal, Pressure Sensitive and Cosmetic Disc LinersPrior to a few days ago, my working knowledge of cap liners was pretty much non-existent. To be honest, I had never heard “cap” and “liner” paired together and hadn’t given caps much thought, aside from dedicating a few too many [...]
On a sunny Sunday in March, I drove up to Boston to check out NECANN’s (New England Cannabis Conventions) fourth annual Boston Cannabis Convention.Held at the impressive Hynes Convention Center in Boston’s Back Bay, the BCC was a well-planned, carefully organized outing and had the flavors and fixings of a proper business convergence event, not [...]
If you’re new to plastics or are contemplating making your first order of customized plastic jars, here are a five things to consider first:1. THE LOOK Aesthetically speaking, what type of jar are you looking for?Are you searching for the clear, sleek appearance of a styrene jar? Or the smokey, opaque look of a clarified polypropylene? Does [...]
It’s spring again; another year where I still don’t have a green thumb. As subpar gardener who never met a clay pot I couldn’t crack, I was excited when I learned that there are plenty of plastic planter options already available, ranging from plastic pots to square injection molds. . My research also revealed that, on a larger scale, most growers of [...]
In a recent Parkway Plastics' poll on Twitter, followers were asked, "Do you rinse your recyclables before putting them in your recycling bins?" Only a small percentage (20%) answered "Yes, always" while "No, never" and "Sometimes" were tied at 40 percent.As a kid who grew up in the '90s, I observed Earth Day, worshiped Captain Planet and even [...]
Three years ago, if I heard the phrase ‘marijuana storage,’the first images to come to mind would have been the old favorites: plastic baggies, bulky Tupperware containers and mason jars inside of which it’s impossible to fit your entire hand. I grew up on the east coast, went to college in Vermont and I can say from firsthand experience [...]
Why would I need Parkway Plastics?For this past holiday season I decided that an easy way to save money on gifts for my friends and family was to go the do it yourself (DIY) route with all my gifts. After spending some time on Pinterest searching for ideas, I came across multiple natural recipes for body sugar scrubs. [...]
From understanding what pomade is to learning who uses it and for what, this blog post also includes travel size tips, info on making your own pomade and, of course, where to find the jars and lids you need to package your product. What is the definition of Pomade - noun po·made \ pō-ˈmād , -ˈmäd \ Simply defined, pomade is a scented [...]
George Washington Carver, aka the "Peanut Man" invented 300 uses for the peanut, but he didn't invent peanut butter. Today marks the beginning of Black History Month, and I noticed the name George Washington Carver kept popping up on Twitter in reference to “the peanut man”. So, Who is the Peanut man? George Washington Carver, American botanist and [...]